Connect Groups

Life is BETTER together

God created us to do life together...

That's why Groups exist—to provide an opportunity to experience real relationships that will change your life and help you grow in your faith. Whether it’s playing sports, prayer, Bible study, or a dad’s group, there is something for you.

Connect Groups meet all over the tri-state region and are a great way to connect to the church and to grow together in our faith! We meet during the Fall and Spring Semesters.


Summer Meetups are all about community, friendships, and doing life together. Throughout June and July, join us for a variety of events, such as  family cookouts, sporting events, pool parties, or simply enjoying a cup of coffee together. XR Meetups are a great way meet new friends and strengthen connections.

Events & Sign-ups coming soonInterested in hosting a summer meetup? Details here.

More About Connect Groups

What do groups do?

Groups are a small group of people who regular gather together to build relationships centered around a common interest or activity while growing in their relationship with God.

Where do groups meet?

XR Connect Groups meet all over the eastern pan-handle in host homes, coffee shops, restaurants or an applicable location for the type of group.

When do groups meet?

Meeting times will vary pending on the group focus and location. Groups may meet weekly or bi-weekly.

Our Connect Groups operate by Spring and Fall semester, along with our summer connect hangouts.

Who can join a group?

Everyone is welcomed to join a group and is a great way to get to know people of the church.

What if I don't connect with the group I try?

It's okay. The truth is, not everyone will find the best fit with the first group they try. This is why we encourage you to select a few groups that may interest you and try out different ones to find who you connect with best.

Interested In Leading A Group?

Step 1

Complete Growth Track

Two-week class to better introduce you to what XR Church is all about, discovering your spiritual gifts and how you can make a difference. Offered during the first two Sunday's of the month.

Learn More

Step 2


Step 3

Attend Training

This training will help prepare you to lead your connect group with effectiveness and care.


Step 4

Lead a Group

After following steps 1-3, begin inviting people to be a part of your group.